Friendship is love
Without friendship love means nothing
Without friendship love is empty
Without friendship love is boring…!
Yes.. I totally agree with those lines. Entah mane aku bace ayat2 ny. Buat aku terpikir on my friendship. I do loves my friends. For me friendship is all about sharing. Doesn't mean we have to share each and every single thing in our life but there is something we have to share which we did not share with our family or our gf/bf. I do like to share with my friends even though some of them macam dah malas nak dengar. Ahhh lantak. Maybe itu aku punyer anggapan jek.
Good friends also does not mean we did not argue at all. Yes... there is times aku suke cari pasal. Sometimes get hurt whatever he/she said. Entah... orang lain cakap... aku tak kisah pun. Ader yang lagy laser giler. But when it comes from my good friends... even though people thinks... ehh benda camnie pon ko nak terasa. Sebenarnya... itu sebab aku sayang korang. Tue sebab terasa lebih.
I do notice changes of my good friends. Maybe... environment... working.. life or ape2 jek makes them changed. Biase ah tuh... tapi I knew they are alwiz be there when I need them. Kadang2 kan... aku rase cam... naper not with me? U are having fun with others. When comes to me... everything tak same. Ker aku jek yang rase camtu? Of course if I asked... we will argue back. Ohh... tak nak lah. Nanti aku lagy sakit ati. Dulu tak pun camtuh.
Ade jugak yang salah anggap ke'caring'an aku ny. Aku bukan nak sibuk2 hal sahabat2ku. Tapi I just concerned. Cant you understand that? Aku memang dari dulu macam ny... If my friends rase tak best... aku pon same gak. Sebab aku memang mementingkan friendship. Tak kisah lah nak perli2 aku ker. Ape2 jek. Ya... Its hurt... tapi kejap jek. Aku dah mula belajar cara untuk tidak meng'hurt'kan perasaan aku ny. Memang susah giler mule2. Sekarang pun susah gak. One day maybe?...
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